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Create Your Digital Products
Getting Started
Module 1: Strengths and Talents Assessment
Types of Digital Products (3:45)
Before You Create your Product (5:20)
Narrow Down Your Product (11:09)
Module 2: Research
Research Your Niche (9:27)
Module 3: Expertise
Setting Up Your Expertise (3:12)
Module 4: Your Message
Clarify Your Brand Messaging and Define Your USP (8:34)
Module 5: Product Types and Roadmaps
Decide On Your Product Type (2:52)
Create a Roadmap (3:19)
Module 6: Create Ebooks, Audios, and Videos
Writing, Designing & Publishing Your Ebook (25:10)
Designing Your Audio or Video Product Outline (5:14)
Choosing Audio Software and Hardware (16:51)
Tips for Great Audio Recordings (3:56)
Using Audacity to Edit (6:29)
More Tips on Editing Your Audio (6:09)
Choosing Royalty Free Music (2:52)
Creating & Editing Videos (23:50)
Final Wrap Up
Getting Traffic (16:45)
Moving Forward (3:47)
Research Your Niche
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